Impact stories

From 2007 to today, the support of our donors has been essential. Indeed, over 175 million Euros have been raised. More than 41 million Euros were invested in students during the academic year 2022/2023.

Our donors have thus opened the doors of this university to 500 more students compared to the academic year 2021/2022. Through exemptions and scholarships, our donors have supported the advancement and dissemination of knowledge by backing the activities of the 24 academic positions, the 2 Research Centers, and the 9 named Labs currently active. They have also contributed to improving the living and study experience of the entire Bocconi Community by naming 50 spaces on Campus, donating over 10 artworks to the BAG - Bocconi Art Gallery, and supporting numerous activities and initiatives.

This is why the University wants to highlight the commitment of its donors by sharing the impact of their generosity through the voices of those who have chosen to forge a bond of solidarity between generations and those who have first benefited from this act of trust in the future.

People that make the difference

Eugenio Morpurgo
Eugenio Morpurgo
Honoring memories and commemoration by investing in young people
Luca Mignini
Luca Mignini
Transformation, gratitude and future
Massimo Tononi
Massimo Tononi
Donating to reduce inequality and promote social mobility
Niccolò Colussi
Niccolò Colussi
Education without barriers
Samuele Celi
Filling a gap by filling it with the future
Memorial collection
A bridge between cultures to promote talent in South Africa
Support projects for the University
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From beneficiary to supporter of albanian students: an emblematic history of giving back.
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The help of Fondazione Invernizzi alongside a field research on migration from Guinea.
When talent meets opportunity: the story of Nunzio
The value of a life-long experience
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Give back to give forward: the Alumnus of the Year 2003 is fully committed to support young talent.

Corporate partners and foundations

Fondazione Achille e Giulia Boroli
Training youth, with Europe in mind
Intesa Sanpaolo
Intesa Sanpaolo
Together for the growth of the Italian economy
A Chair to “listen” to new generations
gender equality
Gender Equality and progress
Citi Foundation
Citi Foundation
Citi Foundation and Bocconi together to promote university education
Francesca Vilardi, Beneficiaria "Donna Javotte Women's Scholarship Fund"
Named Scholarship Funds
Promoting social mobility and inclusion
Stefano Caselli
The evolution of the Algebris Chair In Long-Term Investment and Absolute Return
Values that generate value
Paola Profeta
Innovative and multidisciplinary research
Research Laboratories